Local Family Gifts $200,000 During the Holidays


We are honored to announce that a local family has made a $200,000 donation to Acknowledge Alliance in hopes of inspiring other donors to join them in supporting our agency's mental health services for youth and resilience support for teachers.

This gift is from a supporter of our agency who wishes to remain anonymous. It will be used to augment the agency's core operating fund to serve even more students and teachers and encourage other supporters to give, especially between now and December 31st, 2019

"This thoughtful and generous family is committed to our mission to promote lifelong resilience in children and youth, and to strengthen the caring capacity of the adults who influence their lives," Acknowledge Alliance Executive Director Sharon Navarro said. 

"We are able to make this gift because our parents were so resourceful and believed in the power of education and giving back. We are happy to have found an organization like Acknowledge Alliance that we believe in and that will wisely steward the gift," the family spokesperson said.

We hope you will consider making a special year-end gift, of any amount meaningful to you, to ensure that Acknowledge Alliance continues creating resilient school communities where teachers want to teach and students want to learn.

At this time of year, we are immensely grateful for your kindness and support. We wish you and your family a splendid holiday season filled with happiness, gratitude and hope!