Acknowledge Alliance provides counseling services to the most at-risk youth. These are students facing the greatest life adversities - victims of domestic and community violence, coerced gang involvement, poverty, racism, and undiagnosed learning and mental health issues. Acknowledge Alliance provides on-site mental health counseling at all of the Sequoia Union High School District's comprehensive and alternative high schools. The teens who receive our counseling services gain insight into how their life experiences drive their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; learn to regulate their responses to emotional stimuli; become more empowered to speak up and advocate for themselves appropriately; develop increased trust and the ability to choose healthier relationships; improve their school engagement; find compassion for themselves and each other; and experience renewed hope and a glimpse of a future with new possibilities.

Acknowledge Alliance also offers counseling services to out-of-school youth development organizations, including Peninsula Bridge, where future graduates are also supported to and through college.

Our professional staff of licensed clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, and psychologists provides supervision and training to clinical interns who in turn provide students individual and group therapy. We are committed to building the pipeline of talented mental health professionals by placing Master’s and Psy.D students at school sites to directly support students.