Help Build Thriving School Communities

"I learned about how to cope with regret and learn from my mistakes, and become the person I want to be in life." - Student in Collaborative Counseling Program

These are the words of one of the thousands of students you have helped to find hope and resilience. Many of the youth in our programs have faced trauma and hardships that most adults never will. From domestic and community violence, coerced gang involvement, poverty, racism and substance abuse issues, these young people have overcome unimaginable adversities. Yet through it all, students tell us time and again that their work with Acknowledge Alliance therapists and resilience consultants has led them on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, culminating with newfound hope for the future.

Our Collaborative Counseling Program’s (CCP) impact is uniquely transformational because our clinicians build long-term therapeutic relationships with at-risk youth, providing individualized treatment focused on healing underlying trauma and issues. Our students are receiving high quality care that is focused on what is truly best for their lifelong benefit - such care that could otherwise only be accessed through private practices. Together they deeply explore students’ feelings and trauma caused by their painful experiences, strengthen their relationships through improved communication skills, and learn how to manage stress and anxiety. A teacher witnessed this transformation in a student firsthand, and shared “because the work is ongoing and long-term, students have shifted their mindsets rather than simply changing behaviors in the short-term. They are genuinely hopeful about what is ahead for them."

Students are not the only ones who have discovered their own strengths because of Acknowledge Alliance’s support. Our Resilience Consultation Program (RCP) impacts teacher retention, bolsters the social-emotional wellbeing of entire school communities with lessons that focus on building student’s mindfulness and resilience skills, and provides on-campus services to educators as they navigate challenges in the classroom and beyond. Educators are some of the most influential people in a child’s life - it is critical that they feel emotionally nourished and set up to succeed in their challenging professions, so they can fully nurture their students’ well-being. As one teacher put it, “[The Resilience Counselor] helped me to identify ways to balance and accept that no matter how much I would like to, I can not do it all. This resulted in me prioritizing on a daily basis and being able to remain in the profession.” 

In September 2024, Acknowledge Alliance will reach a remarkable milestone - 30 years of serving our community’s students and educators! Last year alone, we worked with over 3,000 youth and educators across 26 schools and organizations in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. Today is your opportunity to tell our community’s youth and educators you believe in them - ensure that Acknowledge Alliance can continue our critical work for another 30 years. Together, we can continue building the thriving school communities our founder, Cleo Eulau, envisioned - where students are equipped with lifelong resilience and teachers are empowered to be their best selves.